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How to
buy/register a car

You can buy both new and used cars in Сyprus. New ones are available in car dealerships, while used ones can be bought in private car shops or online. The most popular online platforms are Facebook Marketplace and Bazaraki. 

Car dealerships register new cars. To register a used car, the customer together with the seller, should apply to a Department of Road Transport Office or a Citizens Service Center in person or by proxy with the following documents:

  1. Completed TOM 9B Form 
  2. With the registration document (logbook)
  3. a valid certificate of insurance for the current owner
  4. and the new owner.
  5. the fee of €8.54. The Muktar or Certifying Officer will charge a nominal fee for certification of both seller's and buyer's signatures. However, if both parties are present with identification documents, certification can be done at the Department of Road Transport Office or a Citizens Service Center by one of their officers. You can outsource the work to a number of companies  providing this service for a fee.